Floor Cleaning Tips

At last it's time to get down and dirty. Some people have never really liked floor cleaning that much, but they still do it anyway. They have to. "My back is going to kill me for something so small and insignificant as cleaning the floor," they say. "It's too much hassle for nothing." Too much hassle for nothing! Try not sweeping the floor for two months straight and see where that gets you.

Floor Cleaning Tips

Here are some useful floor cleaning tips:

* Still the most effective method of cleaning the floor is with a sponge and a bucket of water. Add in a packet of cleaning detergent and you're all set. Dissolve the cleaning detergent into a bucket of water. Then, get down on your knees and start scrubbing-scrub, scrub, scrub 'til you drop.

* You can also just run the vacuum cleaner if you want. First and foremost, this method isn't as effective as the first one, but it will save you the trouble of having to deal with the back pain people are always complaining about.

* Another option is to use a steam mop cleaner. Steam mops are rather new technology, but don't let the name fool you-a steam mop is anything but a mop. It works like a regular mop, yes, but it also uses steam to help loosen up dirt that has stuck on the floor surface. One sweep is all it takes now.

It's an honor to do floors. They say a room has three dimensions: ceiling, walls and floor. It's the floor that is most important, that should be taken care of on a frequent basis. There's no point in cleaning the house at all if you don't have the time to sweep the floor. A dirty house with a clean, well-swept floor is half good, but a neat house with a dirty floor is no good.


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